Women must unite to break the ultimate glass ceiling

Women united for the right to vote...
Women united for peace...
Women united for fair wages...
Women united for better working conditions...
Women united for protection against discrimination in the workplace...
Women united for equal rights for women of color...
Women united for birth control...
Women united for equal education and employment opportunities...
Women united for equal division of property in a divorce...
Women united for the right to privacy...
Women united for the right to equal access to consumer credit...
Women united for the right to obtain safe and legal abortions...
Women united to make it illegal for a husband to rape his wife...
Women united to ban discrimination against pregnant women in the workplace...
Women united to ban sexual harassment in the workplace...
Women united to protect victims of rape...
See: http://www.infoplease.com/spot/womenstimeline1.html

It took women to lead these causes and gain these rights...



Saturday, March 8, 2008

When women attack

So today, another passive aggressive attack comes from another woman in the Obama camp (see also previous post, "Unacceptable"). Although a resignation and apology followed - only after the comment was printed - it is another view into how the Obama camp is communicating behind closed doors about Hillary. What is really interesting is the manner in which the offensive words were spewed, with such aggression, desperation and disdain, a reflection of Samantha Powers', a 37 year old, own insecurities, self-hatred and jealousy of watching another woman succeed.
Here is the complete quote:
"Earlier, clearly rattled by the Ohio defeat, Ms Power told The Scotsman Mrs Clinton was stopping at nothing to try to seize the lead from her candidate."We f***** up in Ohio," she admitted. "In Ohio, they are obsessed and Hillary is going to town on it, because she knows Ohio's the only place they can win. "She is a monster, too – that is off the record – she is stooping to anything," Ms Power said, hastily trying to withdraw her remark. Ms Power said of the Clinton campaign: "Here, it looks like desperation. I hope it looks like desperation there, too."You just look at her and think, 'Ergh'." http://thescotsman.scotsman.com/latestnews/39Hillary-Clinton39s-a-monster39-Obama.3854371.jp

The apology only came after it was published. I wonder how many times she has said this before? I wonder how many times it has been said in Obama's presence? I wonder who else is saying it? I wonder why did she have to resign - and was not fired?

Amateur Hour...
Power was Obama's senior foreign policy advisor. It is one thing to attack someone on substance, but name-calling? Really? Are we back in high school? It sure looks like desperation over there...

Thursday, March 6, 2008

International Women's Day, March 8th

International Women's Day, March 8th
"The new millennium has witnessed a significant change and attitudinal shift in both women's and society's thoughts about women's equality and emancipation. Many from a younger generation feel that 'all the battles have been won for women' while many feminists from the 1970's know only too well the longevity and ingrained complexity of patriarchy. With more women in the boardroom, greater equality in legislative rights, and an increased critical mass of women's visibility as impressive role models in every aspect of life, one could think that women have gained true equality. The unfortunate fact is that women are still not paid equally to that of their male counterparts, women still are not present in equal numbers in business or politics, and globally women's education, health and the violence against them is worse than that of men."

We have a long way to go folks...What we do in this U.S. presidential election, will certainly have a significant effect on the rest of the world. What are you going to do?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What a fighter

Hillary Clinton, a true fighter - for us all. When everyone was writing her off, she didn't give up. When people said she should quit, she kept going. While people said she's divisive, she brought people together. When people said she isn't inspiring, she inspired us all to fight for what's right, to fight for the working class, to fight for those of us struggling everyday and those of us who have been ignored for so long. Don't we all want someone like that to be our leader?

The latte drinking folks may think they're smarter or better than us, but we are the people that built this country and helped the latte folks afford their expensive lifestyles. It's time that the latte drinking posse listened to the people here on planet earth. Us dunkin' donuts coffee drinkers are too busy to listen to the long, boring rhetoric. We are too busy to hear ideas without plans, talk without solutions, lofty goals without real strategies. We want in and out service. We want change alright, but we want someone with the capacity to deliver.

And as a single mom, who pays for her own health insurance, I want someone that has a proven record of fighting for me and my daughter, because they know what it feels like to engage in the daily fight and the challenges we face. Yes, new may seem brighter, but I am loyal to those that have always been there for me, still standing there for me, and will go toe to toe for me.

So thank you, Hillary, for being that fighter we need. I've never walked away from fighting for what's right and I know you won't either.